02 Roof racks aren’t for heavy loads!
“We’re all going on a summer holiday” was a popular song in the 1960’s and the message it chorused still fits today, that break between Xmas and around the second week of January means a chance to escape. The temptation is to pack everything and the kitchen sink. “I’ve got my toolbox, four jerries full of fuel, a couple of gas cylinders, the family tent and a couple of bags of gear, what’s the harm in that?” At a quick guess that little lot topped the scales at around 185kgs, a bit like having two big Aussie blokes or a modest Japanese Sumo strapped to the roof. Apart from the potential of weakening the roof structure (most vehicle makers permit maximum roof loads between 50-100kgs these days) there’s the greater risk of a vehicle rollover caused the pendulum effect of that extra mass sitting in the worst possible place! Don’t do it, learn the art of “Less is More” or take a trailer. By the way who makes the best roof racks? ARB of course!
02 Roof racks aren’t for heavy loads!
January 7, 2015 David Wilson