11 My brakes are squealing

      March 12, 2018      David Wilson

11 My brakes are squealing
Vehicle makers are interested in your safety and they put brakes on cars so they can stop. Disc brakes are better than drums (please take note those of you making 4WD utes – drum brakes on back axles are CRAP) as they are easy to service, have a greater swept area to slow you faster, are less likely to become overheated and more predictable in the wet. Eventually though their performance will suffer when the brake pad material wears to the point where the imbedded “wear indicator” contacts the brake rotor face and squeals. That’s a sure-fire sign that it’s time for new pads, but in heavy-duty applications an inspection of the rotor thickness and/or grooving might reveal that it too needs replacement. If you drive through a lot of mud and slush be prepared to replace your brakes more frequently. Remember, listen for the squeal!