23 Seat belts save lives, no ifs, buts or maybes!
Jumping into the driver’s seat, or for that matter any seat in a vehicle, should automatically be accompanied with you plugging in your seat belt. For some really strange reason plenty of drivers don’t and especially in rural areas??? If you were ever in any doubt as to the value of its usage try these sobering facts – 1. You’re 10 times more likely to die in a crash if you’re not wearing one, 2. Wearing a belt will reduce your risk of injury or death by 50% or more, 3. An unbelted passenger in the back seat can increase the risk to the front row five-fold, 4. Blokes have a poor record compared to the girls in seat belt usage, twice as many blokes die on average and falling typically in the 17 – 39 years range, 5. Plenty of fatals (around 50%) where seat belts weren’t worn were also accompanied with alcohol consumption.
23 Seat belts save lives, no ifs, buts or maybes!
June 2, 2018 David Wilson