39 Driving at night… watch out for Skippy!

      September 22, 2018      David Wilson

39 Driving at night… watch out for Skippy!
I have to admit to a fondness for driving at night. In certain transit corridors around the country a well-rested driver can cover reasonable distances quite safely with reduced traffic congestion, aided by a decent set of driving lights (see tip 15). However there’s plenty of rural and especially Outback roads where I wouldn’t do it because the risk of animal strike is just too high. History is littered with stories of major crashes where drivers have collected all manner of animals at night, hardly surprising when this is the time that they are up and about foraging for food and water. Roadsides often make good watering points for kangaroos immediately after rain. Puddles form on the road surface enticing kangaroos onto the road-space, and if you and he or she isn’t paying enough attention… it could get messy. The rule of thumb is sundown to sunup, park up for the night when you’re in the bush; it’s a whole lot safer.