40 Check that spare wheel

      September 29, 2018      David Wilson

40 Check that spare wheel

They’re the forgotten heroes, stashed away under the tray of a ute, the back of a Land Cruiser or sitting on the tailgate, waiting patiently for their moment of glory. But for a spare sometimes it’s a case of going from hero to zero. What could possibly go wrong? Well if it’s under the back of the ute, when was the last time you operated the winder/lowering mechanism? Those chain driven winders eventually fill up with dust and grot and jam, requiring a major drenching in WD40 spray to get going again. And if you haven’t checked that in ages, what hope is there to expect that the tyre has got enough air in it to get you home? Similarly there are a few stories around where GXL 100 series owners have been out doing a little rock hopping only to discover days or even weeks later that the sidewall of the tyre was left behind on that last ridge. Tailgate mounted wheels do a little better as they are more visible, but a spare that hasn’t been rotated into the on-road mix will stagnate over time and sun exposure eventually will take its toll.