50 Is your tow nice and level or are you dragging your bum?

      December 8, 2018      David Wilson

50 Is your tow nice and level or are you dragging your bum?

Last week I mentioned the need to check your trailer tyre pressures. Now we turn our attention to the suspension on your fourbie. If it’s standard it’ll be crap, standard shocks and springs are designed for no loads in the city. If you’re into towing you really must pay attention to this week’s message because your life depends on it. A towing attitude where the tow hitch becomes the lowest point between the 4WD and the trailed vehicle is dangerous. A level and flat tow stance will eliminate the potential for the trailer to “submarine” under the 4WD, the mass shift lifting the back wheels creating instability that you don’t need in an emergency braking scenario and a jack-knife is on the cards. Old Man Emu by ARB can fix this in a blink. With a range of springs to carry a heavier load and predictably thanks to shock absorbers that tame the suspension action you’ll arrive safe and sound.